Antonie Stanová at Kvalitář Gallery

Artist: Antonie Stanová  Title: I Tried to Tell Ya Something Through the Phone Venue: Kvalitář Gallery, Prague Curator: Monika Čejková Photo: Studio Flusser The exhibition I Tried to Tell Ya Something Through the Phone presents the artistic output of Czech painter Antonie Stanové, accompanied by the auditory work of Bohumila Grögerová, a writer, translator, and creative figure from …

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It’s Oh So Quiet | Antonie Stanová at Kvalitar Gallery, Prague

Curated by Nikola Nováková Kvalitar Gallery On view until 9th August, 2019 As you dreamt, you found yourself in a house with long translucent curtains, white walls and a ceiling that stretched very high. And everything that happened within those white walls was cyclical — it restarted after a certain amount of time. You fell …

Read moreIt’s Oh So Quiet | Antonie Stanová at Kvalitar Gallery, Prague