Katja Novitskova at Hamburger Bahnhof

Artist: Katja Novitskova Venue: Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin, Germany Date: August 16, 2019 – February 16, 2020 Photography: All images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler, Berlin Novitskova’s work tackles the complexity and eventual failures of depicting the world through technologically driven narratives. By bringing together art and science to the level of nature, Novitskova brings awareness …

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Meta Grgurevič at UGM

Artist: Meta Grgurevič Title: Impossible Machines Venue: UGM | Maribor Art Gallery, Slovenia Curator: Simona Vidmar 29 November 2019 − 1 March 2020 UGM | Maribor Art Gallery and Künstlerhaus Graz, in collaboration with The Marignoli di Montecorona Foundation in Spoleto, are proud to present the first comprehensive overview of works by Meta Grgurevič. Meta Grgurevič …

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Matěj Frank and Jasmin Schaitl at Pragovka G. E.

Artists: Matěj Frank and Jasmin Schaitl Title: Entering Continuities Venue: Pragovka Gallery Entry Curator: Jakub Frank Photo: Marcel Rozhoň 03.12.2019 – 15.01.2020 By entering the continuity, we do not disrupt it – we become part of it. At the very first exhibition of entering continuities in 2017, Matěj Frank and Jasmin Schaitl introduced their projects …

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What is happening with sleep today? at AlbumArte

Artists: Julia Gryboś and Barbora Zentková Title: What is happening with sleep today? Curator: Lýdia Pribišová Venue: AlbumArte, Roma, Italy 7.11.2019 – 7.12.2019 Photo: Roberto Apa, Sebastiano Luciano The exhibition places sleep and its possible, but at the same time impossible commercial use in today’s society at the center of its reflection. It takes inspiration …

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Jan Domicz at Significant Other, Vienna

Artist: Jan Domicz Title: 1070 Abholbox – SO Burggasse #24 Venue: Significant Other, Vienna 30.11.2019 – 31.01.2020 If Dante Alighieri would nowadays decide to repeat his descent through the ten circles of hell, he would be surprised to find that the complexly structured Inferno of his times, full of Florentine’s dignitaries were flattened into one …

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Dia Pintér at Horizont Gallery

Artist: Dia Pintér Exhibition title: In Terms of Analysis Venue: Horizont Gallery, Budapest, Hungary Date: November 13 – December 21, 2019 Photography: Dávid Biró, all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Horizont Gallery, Budapest Horizont Gallery is pleased to present In Terms of Analysis, a solo exhibition by painter Dia Pintér. The paintings of Dia Pintér are most often …

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Barbora Kleinhamplová at Lucie Drdova Gallery

Artist: Barbora Kleinhamplová Title: If I could die on Mars, it would be great. Venue: Lucie Drdova Gallery, Prague Text: Tereza Stejkalova and Elon Musk Date: 15.11.2019–1.2.2020 How to make human life on planet Earth dignified We would like to tell you something about our project SpaceX Earth. We want to make life on planet …

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Kā skan, tā atskan at No Moon, New York

Artists : Kaspars Groševs, Philip Hinge, Emma Pryde, Joe Speier, Līga Spunde, Hanna Umin, Amanda Ziemele. Exhibition title : Kā skan, tā atskan Venue : No Moon, New York Date : November 26th – December 21st 2019 Photography : Philip Hinge No Moon is pleased to present Kā skan, Tā atskan*, an exhibition curated by …

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Kateřina Vincourová at Zahorian & Van Espen

Artist: Kateřina VincourováTitle: Touches of Innocence in the Past ReflectionsCurator: Jen KratochvilVenue: Zahorian & Van Espen Prague14 Nov – 12 Dec 2019 “Young, beautiful, desirable. Men find her irresistible, but something is happening to her, something that she doesn’t quite understand, and soon, she will be swept up in a frantic fury of…REPULSION.” When in …

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INDEPENDENT PARTICLES – Polish Counterculture (1967-1975)

In the Anglo-Saxon world the flower power was a massive and significant phenomenon. In Poland and several other countries of Eastern Europe (including the USSR) – hippies never played such a role, but yet marked their independent presence. While consumerism was contested in the West, hippies in PRL (Polska Republika Ludowa, eng. Polish People’s Republic) …

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Pakui Hardware at Polansky, Prague

Artists: Pakui Hardware Title: Thrivers Venue: Polansky, Prague 2019 – 11. 1. 2020 THRIVERS is the first solo show of Pakui Hardware duo in Czech Republic. Conceived specially for Polansky gallery space, the installation presents a setting for unresolved figures that merge human limbs with diverse bodies of extremophiles. Thriving under harsh environmental conditions such …

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Štefan Papčo at Zahorian & Van Espen Bratislava

Artist: Štefan Papčo Title: Verticality as Fantastic Occupation Venue: Zahorian & Van Espen Bratislava Curator: Elena Sorokina Photo: Marko Horban Mountaineering was often described as an adventure into a new vertical world. Indeed, the naked eye perceives mountains in the distance as a vertical plane, an absolute verticality crowned with rocky or snowy peaks. The …

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