Group Show at Kincsem Palota, Budapest

Exhibiting artists: Ádám Albert, Ex-artists’ collective, Judit Fischer, János Fodor, Kitti Gosztola, Katalin Káldi, Tamás Kaszás, Ádám Kokesch, Gábor Kristóf, Krisztián Kristóf, Zsolt Molnár, Randomroutines, János Sugár, Zoltán Szegedy-Maszák, Gergő Szinyova, Júlia Vécsei

Title: Finally We Can Learn Something

Venue: Kincsem Palota, Budapest

Curatorial concept: Kisterem Gallery, Budapest

Photo: Dávid Bíró

Following the last few months’ challenges, Kisterem steps out of its boundaries for a while. The gallery organizes a large-scale exhibition with the participation of its represented young and mid-generation artists in Kincsem Palace.The gallery initiated the project along the lines of thinking together and cooperation. Creating an opportunity to directly encounter art again instead of virtual presence, the exhibition presents an exciting selection of the latest works by artists represented by Kisterem.The exclusive venue of the exhibition, Kincsem Palace in Reáltanoda Street, will open its doors again for the public during the exhibition. The palace was built in the 1870s by Ernő Blaskovich, the owner of the famous racehorse Kincsem. The palace is intact; however it was divided into apartments after the war and it has been uninhabited for decades. In the once lavishly decorated spaces of the neorenaissance building that will open its doors again for this special occasion, one can still discover remnants of the original silk tapestry, the decorated ceramic fireplace, the stained-glass windows, and the carved wooden doorframes.

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