Marta Krześlak at Szara Kamienica Gallery

Artist: Marta Krześlak Title: Ayaaoeho. Venue: Szara Kamienica Gallery Curator: Ania Batko Photo: all images courtesy of the artist/ photo: Paweł Wyląg The Little prince climbed to the top of a high mountain. The three volcanoes on his planet were the only mountains he had even known, and they were only as high as a …

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Jaanus Samma at Robert Grunenberg

Artist: Jaanus Samma Title: Folklore Venue: Robert Grunenberg, Berlin Samma’s work aims to locate queer subjectivity and desire in seemingly heteronormative spaces: street corners, public spaces, and folk culture are mined and presented as ripe for sexual and sociopolitical re-interpretation. Combining fieldwork, oral history, and archival research, the artist responds to absences of sexual representation …

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DATES: August 1-­31, 2021 LOCATION: Budapest (Hungary) APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 10, 2021 If you wish to apply for this residency program, please send your portfolio in pdf format (max. 10MB) to ​ Easttopics Artist Residency Program hosts artist from the Central and Easter Europe region: Painting, drawing, graphic arts Sculpture, installation  Performance Photography Video …


Group Show at BWA Wrocław Główny Gallery.

Artists: Archives of Public Protests, Iván Argote, Alex Baczyński-Jenkins, Rufina Bazlova, BorisCharmatz & César Vayssié, Zuzanna Czebatul, Bogomir Doringer, Robert Getso, Anton Stoianov, Frédéric Gies, Jonathan Glazer & Mica Levi, Jakub Gliński & daisy cutter, Igor Grubić, Roman Himey & Yarema Malashchuk, Zhang Huan, Steffani Jemison, Anna Jermolaewa, Agata Kalinowska, Consortium for Post-Artistic Practices, Chris …

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Andrej Škufca at Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana

Artist: Andrej Škufca Title: Softshell Creeper Venue:  Aksioma  –  Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana Curator: Christina Gigliotti Hey, hey, hey, listen! In order for this to work, I’m going to need your full attention. You see, you’ve fallen down right in the middle of a petri dish. You’re a human microbe. No one can see or hear …

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Gábor Kristóf at Schemnitz Gallery

Artist: Gábor Kristóf Title: Picnic on the Driving Range Venue: Schemnitz Gallery, Banská Štiavnica Curator: Vladimír Beskid 01/05/2020TO PAUL The year of 2020 was meant to be yours, dear Paul, and a great year in general (such a beautiful and mystic number, twenty-twenty…) but let’s face it, we failed and your precious anniversary is completely …

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Nikita Kadan at PinchukArtCenter

Artist: Nikita Kadan Title: Stone Hits Stone Venue: PinchukArtCenter, Kyiv Curator: Björn Geldhof Assistant curator: Kateryna Iakovlenko Exposition architecture and design: Dana Kosmina Kyiv, Ukraine, February 25, 2021 The PinchukArtCentre (Kyiv, Ukraine) presents “Stone Hits Stone” by Nikita Kadan, made in the context of the PinchukArtCentre’s Research Platform. His first major solo exhibition in Ukraine presents both new produced and existing works reflecting …

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Group Show at National Gallery of Arts, Tirana

Artists: Silva Agostini, Brigita Antoni, Bora Baboçi, Alma Bakiaj, Lumturi Blloshmi, Lirije Buliqi, Liljana Çefa, Donika Çina, Flaka Haliti, HAVEIT, Blerta Hoçia, Majlinda Hoxha, Shpresa Faqi, Fitore Isufi – Koja, Shelbatra Jashari, Ledia Kostandini, Edona Kryeziu, Hyrije Krypa, Iva Lulashi, Diana Miziri, Silvi Naçi, Matilda Odobashi, Greta Pllana, Edit Pula(j), Nurhan Qehaja, Alketa Ramaj, Miradije …

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Group Show at Deák Erika Gallery

Artists: Viktória Kalán, Mónika Kárándi, Hanna Rédling, Marina Sztefanu Title: Sometimes I Flow with the Ocean Venue: Deák Erika Gallery, Budapest Photo: Réka Hegyháti The upcoming exhibition in the Erika Deák Gallery, Sometimes I flow with the ocean will introduce four emerging artists and their newest works to the public. The gallery space will turn …

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