Group show at Kunsthalle Bega

Artists: Hyunjin Bek (South Korea), Adriana Chiruta (Romania), Baptiste Debombourg (France), Heecheon Kim (South Korea), Fabio Lattanzi Antinori (UK), Lawrence Lek (UK), Dalibor Martinis (Croatia), Adina Mocanu (Romania), Maria Pop Timaru (Romania), Larisa Sitar (Romania), Dimitar Solakov (Bulgaria), Stardust Architects (Romania) Title: Chronicles of the Future Superheroes Curator: Anca Verona Mihuleț Text: Ioana Chira Venue: Kunsthalle …

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Stach Szumski At Berlinskej Model

Artist: Stach SzumskiTitle: IPS TYPOGRAPHUSCurator: Piotr SikoraVenue: Berlinskej Model, Prague ​​The story you are about to read – or perhaps rather be swallowed by – is written on the walls of the gallery space. The intervention was conducted by Stachu in collaboration with legions of bugs as a part of a long-lasting psychedelic therapy session. …

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Group show at A Promise of Kneropy

Artist: Boris Ondreička, Ján Ballx, Jozef Mrva ml., APART Title: Abysses Venue: A Promise of Kneropy, Bratislava “He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” – Nietzsche (Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy …

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Jasmina cibic at Museum der Moderne Salzburg

Artist: Jasmina Cibic Exhibition title: Most Favoured Nation Curator: Marijana Schneider Photo: Rainer Iglar Venue: Museum der Moderne Salzburg In her multimedia works, artist and filmmaker Jasmina Cibic (Ljubljana, SI,1979) explores the intertwinements of state power, culture, and gender constructs. Cibic looks at historical events from a feminist perspective and examines the visual strategies which …

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