OPEN CALL – Puja Journal

For its very first issue, Puja Journal seeks written and visual contributions that contemplate the theme of feeding. About the Journal Puja Journal works with, through, and for independent thought and emotion in and between Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean. The journal seeks to form bonds and networks alternative to the idea of centre-periphery dichotomy. …

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Gábor Pap at Artkartell Projectspace

Artist: Gábor Pap Title: Notebook of escape ideas Curator: Gábor Rieder Venue: Artkartell Projectspace, Budapest Photos: István András Juhász Artkartell projectspace is happy to present the season opening solo exhibition of Gábor Pap: Notebook of escape ideas. As a member of the youngest generation of Hungarian artists, in his collection of extraordinary sincerity Pap mixes …

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Honza Zamojski at MGLC

Artist: Honza Zamojski Title: Middleman Curator: Nevenka Šivavec and Yasmín Martín Vodopivec Venue: MGLC, Ljubljana In Honza Zamojski’s latest exhibition, the eponymous Middleman plays various roles. He is a viewer who, upon entering the exhibition space, stands in the middle of the symmetrical architecture. He is also an author who mediates between the world of …

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Gideon Horváth at Glassyard Gallery

Artist: Gideon Horváth Title: Myths of Vulnerability Text: Lívia Páldi Venue: Glassyard Gallery, Budapest ‘That’s your speciality, telling people stories they never imagined – and convincing them it’s reasonable to want to see them come true’ – writes feminist activist writer and filmmaker Virginie Despentes in the foreword to An Apartment on Uranus.The book is …

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Klára Hosnedlová at Kestner Gesellschaft

Artist: Klára Hosnedlová Title: To Infinity Curators: Adam Budak and Alexander Wilmschen Venue: Kestner Gesellschaft, Hanover Photo: Zdenek Porcal – Studio Flusser For her first institutional solo exhibition, Klára Hosnedlová metamorphoses the Kestner Gesellschaft’s halls into labyrinthian interiorities, laboriously modeling spatialities of voyeuristic surfaces—oblique mirrors of humanoid selves. Her monumental performative sculptures, suspended like clouds …

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Curator’s Table w Vesselina Sarieva

What you are doing right now? Currently I’m curating Rudi Ninov’s exhibition ‘Voice Lines’ for his solo booth at the Art Brussels fair. We’re creating an artist catalogue which will represent his works and visions. This works evoke a variety of associations that can be related to written language, symbols, heard sounds or simple musical …

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Group show at META Spatiu

Artists: Dona Arnakis, Mathias Bar, Cătălin Bătrânu, Szilard Gaspar, George Roșu, Sergiu SasExhibition title: GAME ONCurator: Mirela VlăduțiVenue: META Spațiu, Timișoara, RomaniaPhotos: ©Cătălin Bătrânu & Josepha Blanchet/ all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and META Spațiu gallery “GAME ON” exhibition, currently on view at META Spațiu contemporary art gallery in Timișoara (Romania), curated …

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Asztrid Csatlós at Pécs

Artist: Asztrid Csatlós Title: Nocturnal predators Venue: Művészetek és Irodalom Háza, Pécs I started the Nocturnal Predators series in 2022. The basic concept of the series started from a previous photo documentation, which dealt with the wave of migration that started in 2015. The location is a dirt road near my place of residence. This …

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Laura Põld at (AV17)Gallery

Artist: Laura Põld Title: Translating and Co-labouring Venue: (AV17)GALLERY, Vilnius Photos: Evgenia Levin Laura Põld works in the fields of interdisciplinary crafts and sculpture-based practice. The artist’s work continuously explores the environmental history, fundamental human and more-than-human skills and needs, including community, safety and shelter. A great emphasis in Põld’s work falls on her choice …

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Argišt Alaverdyan, Jozef Mrva at stone projects

Artists: Argišt Alaverdyan, Jozef Mrva Venue: stone projects, Prague Text: Peter Sit Title: Spambot Fiction Spambot Fiction is the second co-exhibition of Argišt Alaverdyan and Jozef Mrva. The materially different approaches connect common themes, which the authors approach differently.  Alaverdyan’s paintings, whose figures emerge from the unconscious in a collage of the reality of life …

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Curator’s Table w Lenka Bakes

What comes to your mind in connection with contemporary art when you hear the word “budget”? The word “budget” contains all of this; there has always been and always will be a shortage of financial budgets. I don’t question that it’s just how it is. But what bothers me in the current context is the …

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Evelīna Deičmane at Kim?

Artist: Evelīna Deičmane Title: Tanzorgan Curator: Zane Onckule Venue: kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga, Latvia Photography: Ansis Starks / all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga At the heart of Evelīna Deičmane’s third solo show at Kim? Contemporary Art Centre lies a deeply personal/sensitive concern – which nevertheless remains …

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Apparatus 22 at Suprainfinit Gallery 

Artist: Apparatus 22  Title: Of Pleasure: The Learnings and Strange Fortunes of Atletica Ideal  Venue: Suprainfinit Gallery , Bucharest, Romania The solo exhibition of the art collective Apparatus 22 at Suprainfinit Gallery is a truly daring proposal for a major leap into the future ~ the unknown ~ utopia, in order to bring into dialogue fresh …

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Karolina Jabłońska at Raster Gallery

Artists: Karolina Jabłońska Title: Cold Venue: Raster Gallery, Warszaw Cold. Cold prevails outside. Snow has even fallen, and when we open our lips, our breath turns into clouds of fog, quickly rising in the wintry air. When it blows harder, locks of hair stick to the face. Snowflakes fall over the head, hair, eyebrows, and …

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