Vladimir Miladinović at Ravnikar Gallery

Artist: Vladimir Miladinović Title: Nondescript Places Venue: Ravnikar Gallery, Ljubljana Text: Miha Colner Photos: Zupanov   Official history, which shapes historical memory within a given cultural or national context, is proven to be a fragile and flexible concept. Through tendentious historicising, public opinion can be manipulated, repression relativised and the people instrumentalised for new conflicts …

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Artists: Lorena Cocioni, Stol Collective (Ioana Mincu & Mara Verhoogt), Florina Coulin, Adrian Ganea, Nadja Kracunovic, Cătălina Milea, Claudia Moraru Curator: Daniela Custrin Venue: Zina Gallery, Cluj-Napoca Photos: YAP Studio / Mădălin Mărgăritescu The portrait, usually commissioned, was one of the most popular expressions in the art world — a claim to identity and a …

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Group show at hunt kastner

Artists: Dominika Trapp, Julia Gryboś & Barbora Zentková Title: Soilmates Curator: Jan Zálešák Photos: Michal Czanderle, Ondřej Polák, Barnabás Neogrády-Kiss, Benedek Regős ​Venue: Hunt Kastner, Prague Hunt Kastner is pleased to present the exhibition Soilmates, a collaborative installation featuring the current work of Dominika Trapp and the artist duo Barbora Zentková & Julia Gryboś. The …

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Joanna Piotrowska at MADRAGOA

Artist: Joanna Piotrowska Title: Implicit Lives Venue: MADRAGOA, Lisbon Smultronstället is the original Swedish title of Ingmar Bergman’s famous film Wild Strawberries (1957). Smultronstället, which literally translates to “the wild strawberries patch,” idiomatically signifies “a hidden gem of a place” (according to Wikipedia). The word defines a special place that is close to one’s heart, …

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Group show at Krupa Gallery

Artists: Karolina Balcer, Aleksander Baszyński, Paweł Baśnik, Radek Brousil, Bolesław Chromry, Pola Dwurnik, Miłosz Flis, Michał Gątarek, Zuzanna Janosz, Kateryna Lysovenko, Iza Opiełka, Łukasz Stokłosa, Wiktoria Title: SHOWROOM 1: Solstices Venue: Krupa Gallery, Wrocław Curator: Natalia Barczyńska Photos: Alicja Kielan Throughout the spring, KRUPA GALLERY will present the first iteration of the SHOWROOM series, which aims …

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Lesia Pcholka at hoast

Artist: Lesia Pcholka Title: Great Stone Text: Michaela Geboltsberger Photos: Lesia Pcholka Venue: hoast, Vienna For more than 30 years, Belarus has been ruled by a dictatorial regime whose power seems inexorable. Criticism from Europe, support from China! This is no coincidence, as Belarus is seen as an important, if not the most important, element …

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Tadej Vaukman at RAVNIKAR Gallery

Artist: Tadej Vaukman
 Title: San Lorenzo Curator: Tevž Logar 
 Photos: Marijo Zupanov Tadej Vaukman came onto the art scene over fifteen years ago when he took audiences aback with his candid photographs, which at first glance seemed to go on and on, but were discernible to the attentive viewer as extremely sensitive …

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Szilvia Bolla at Glassyard Gallery

​Artist: Szilvia Bolla Title: Running Up That Hill Curator: Barnabás Zemlényi-Kovács Venue: Glassyard Gallery, Budapest Photos: Áron Lődi The art of Szilvia Bolla, which has started with abstract anti-photographs reacting against the depressive overconsumption of pictures, now arrived at a post-photographic praxis that tackles the subject of depression itself. As depression is both individual and …

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Hanele Zane Putniņa at 427

Artist: Hanele Zane Putniņa Title: Linolejija Venue: 427, Riga Photos: Līga Spunde Originally formed from seismic chisel movements and colour eruptions. Eventually, it became inhabited by linoshavings, which evolved from chisel-cut beings. It is a place where the chisel doesn’t know how to stop, like the atmosphere enveloping the surface of a linoshavingsland, at times …

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Emir Šehanović at TROTOAR

Artist: Emir ŠehanovićTitle: THERE WILL BE BLISSVenue: TROTOAR, ZagrebText: Ivan Šuković „Why aren’t revolutions started by the most humane people? Because humane people don’t start revolutions, they start libraries… and cemeteries”.Jean-Luc Godard, Notre Musique There is a world of tangible objects. But there is also another reality, one that exists within us. It is shaped …

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While We Rise from the Ground pastel and acrylic on fabric, wood 500 x 230 cm 2022 Photo: Zuzana Jakabová

Czech and Slovak Pavilion at the Venice Biennale: An Interview with Curator Lýdia Pribišová

Describe your studio/work practice From 2020 till March 2024 I had been working as a curator at Kunsthalle Bratislava, where I have been developing the A Plant programme for the last two years. In my actual curatorial praxis I am mostly focused on environmental issues. The aim of the program was to highlight the importance …

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The Echoing Silences of Metal and Skin_Doruntina Kastrati_Photo_Majlinda Hoxha

Kosovo Pavilion at the Venice Biennale: An Interview with Curator Erëmirë Krasniqi

Describe your studio/work practice. My curatorial practice is research-based. Accordingly, I don’t always work with artists when producing exhibitions. For a long time, I have been building archives and then activating them through exhibition-making, amongst other modes of presentation. In doing so, I seek to create space for subjects that have previously been overlooked. Generally …

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András Király at Viltin Gallery

Artist: András Király ​Title: Finestra Venue: Viltin Gallery, Budapest, Hungary ​Photos: Réka Hegyháti / all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Viltin Gallery, Budapest ’Now, leaving other things aside, I’ll tell you how I do it when I paint. First of all, where I am to paint, I draw a rectangle of any size I …

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Olbram Pavlíček at GMU

Artist: Olbram Pavlíček Title: KORPSEPUNX: Stress Prosthetics Curator: Jiří Sirůček In dialogue with Mikuláš Medek Venue: GMU, Hradec Králové Photos: GMU, Olbram Pavlíček Olbram Pavlíček’s exhibition KORPSEPUNX: Stress Prosthetics at the White Cube of Hradec Králové’s Gallery of Modern Art presents the artist’s latest sculptures, prints, and drawings in which he subversively imitates the design …

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Montenegro Pavilion at the Venice Biennale: An Interview with Curator Ana Simona

Describe your studio/work practice. My practice was for several years parallelly doing solo projects and working in a contemporary art gallery – Novembar Gallery in Belgrade where I worked as a curator and art director. In solo projects, I work mostly with artists whose practice I have followed for years, and with whom I have …

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