Sunbaked Thirst With Love

Tom Volkaert, Zsófia Keresztes Venue: ENA Viewing Space, Budapest Curator: Peter Bencze Photography: Aron Weber / all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Everybody Needs Art, ENA Viewing Space Weights of empathy as metaphor for heavy tears, Smiling ashtray standing on two legs, Eyes like carnivorous plants with empty belly, Chasing the snail, which will …

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Camera Lucida | Hungarian National Gallery

Artists: Sári Ember, Marcell Esterházy, Péter Puklus, Flóra Judit Schuller, Kata TrankerCurator: Lili Horváth Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest – building  A, ground floor The Hungarian National Gallery announces the next event of its temporary exhibition series of contemporary art, which accompanies and reflects upon the Fortepan exhibition. The new display shows works by young and …

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Gideon Horváth | I Put My Hand Into a Beehive

Curator: Flóra GADÓ Budapest Gallery Graphic design: Flóra PÁLHEGYI In his current exhibition Gideon Horváth, winner of Balkon Contemporary Art Magazine’s fifth Inside Express Award, continues his research on the ecological crisis. The artist’s answer to the various apocalyptic narratives is to focus on the here and the now. He argues, that in order to …

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Resort at Lokomotif

Artists: Antanas Gerlikas, Jeronimas Seibutis, Jolanta Marcišauskytė-Jurašienė, Linas Blažiūnas, Mantas Talmantas, Rasa Puzinienė, Vytenis Burokas Curators: Milda Dainovskytė, Laurynas Skeisgiela “Resort” is an exhibition exploring unavoidable shifts, accompanied by a series of meetings.  The notion of a resort as a mode of modernized living was popularized in Lithuania in the first half of the 20th …

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SCOOTER IV – Action of Young Art

International showcase of the next generation of artists of central Europe (Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia) Exhibition Title: SCOOTER IV – Action of Young ArtVenue: Jan Koniarek Gallery, Koppel villa, Zelený kríček 3, TrnavaCurator: PhDr. Vladimír Beskid Authors: Argišt Alaverdyan, APART collective, Marek Číhal, Andrej Dúbravský, Ákos Ezer, Svetlana Fialová, Julia Gryboś and Barbora Zentková, Anna Hulačová, Peter Kašpar, Ján …

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1999 – The Oracle Told Me I’d Fall in Love with the One

Artists: Milica Mijajlović (RS/CZ), Rafal Zajko (PL), Tamara Spalajković (RS) and Luka Cvetković (RS)   Curator: Natalija Paunić (RS) Fotopub Festival 2019 | Novo Mesto, Slovenia The exhibition takes a look at 1999 to map a place where reality and fiction intertwine. It takes two specific events into account: the global premiere of The Matrix …

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Fotopub Festival 2019

31 July – 4 August 2019 NOVO MESTO, SLOVENIA ARTISTS AND CURATORS Deja Bečaj (SI), The Cool Couple (Niccolò Benetton & Simone Santilli, IT), Container Doxa (SI, HR, CN), Luka Cvetković (RS), Mark Farid (UK), Đejmi Hadrović (SI), Rok Hudobivnik (SI), Michael Kelly (UK), Peter Kolárčik (SK), Thomas Kuijpers (NL), Luca Marcelli (IT), Milica Mijajlović …

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Katharina Mercedes Marszewski | Kosmos Open Hours

Pragovka Gallery Curator: Veronika Čechová To react to specific situations, patterns or people is typical for Katharina Marszewki’s artistic language / practice. She finds inspiration in interactions which tend to be both practical and transcendental. She works and experiments with serigraphy / screen printing on different materials such as paper, fabric or PVC on a …

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It’s Oh So Quiet | Antonie Stanová at Kvalitar Gallery, Prague

Curated by Nikola Nováková Kvalitar Gallery On view until 9th August, 2019 As you dreamt, you found yourself in a house with long translucent curtains, white walls and a ceiling that stretched very high. And everything that happened within those white walls was cyclical — it restarted after a certain amount of time. You fell …

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ŠÁRKA KOUDELOVÁ | Our Bodies So Soft, Our Lives So Epic

ŠÁRKA KOUDELOVÁ: OUR BODIES SO SOFT, OUR LIVES SO EPICCurated by Laura AmannJune 5 – August 17, 2019Fait Gallery, Brno In 2011, on average, one piece of Pandora jewellery was sold every second. At this point Pandora had already become the world’s third largest jewellery company, after Cartier and Tiffany & Co. Mainly thanks to …

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Interconnection: On Bodies of Water

Interconnection: On Bodies of WaterSwimming PoolOn view: until 4th August Artists: Catherine Biocca, Valko Chobanov, Nona Inescu, Maria Nalbantova, Jakub Nepraš, Petr Nikl, Tabita Rezaire, Karolína Rossí, Pavel Sterec and Johana Střížková Curators: Veronika Čechová and Tereza JindrovaPhoto: Tomáš Souček The exhibition focuses on the motif of water as a condition for life, on circulation …

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Surface Depression and the Emergence of New Habitats

  On view until: 01.06.2019. Photos: APART collective, Dávid Bíró “APART collective made a visit to the region of upper Nitra to film a short movie concerning coal mining and its impact on the living environment. It is our contribution, on how we try to approach ever so more growing threat of the climate change, …

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The In-Between State of Mind

The In-Between State of Mind International Video Art Exhibition Curator: Yunnia Yang (TWN) Photos: Viktória Balogh   Artists: Miloš Tomić (SRB) / Katrina Neiburga (LV) / AES+F (RUS) / Goran Radovanović (SRB) / Šejla Kamerić (BiH) / Nika Oblak & Primož Novak (SLO) / Vlad Buzaianu (RO) / Anastasija Piroženko (LT) / Boris Kozlov (SRB) …

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Former West – Art and the Contemporary after 1989

What has become of the so-called West after the Cold War? After the tripartite division of the world into first, second, and third has been superseded? Why hasn’t the West simply become “former,” like its supposed counterpart, the “former East”? To propose a “former West” puts a conceptual challenge to artists, thinkers, and activists to …

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