Interview with Marinko Sudac

The Marinko Sudac Collection based in Zagreb encompasses a large number of artworks of progressive Avant-Garde, Neo-Avant-Garde, and Post-Avant-Garde art, including morphologically and conceptually similar artistic developments, as well as various practices of experimental art across Europe and beyond from the beginning of the 20th century until the fall of the Berlin Wall. At the occasion of the exhibition Non-Aligned Modernity. Eastern-European Art and …

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Vitamin P3

Discover the 108 International Artists Who Are Revolutionizing Painting Today At last – the next instalment in the popular Vitamin series – the world’s hottest painters, selected by international experts Since the publication of the first Vitamin P in 2002, painting has continued to evolve and excite, with new generations responding to its historic importance …

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17th Art Biennial, Pancevo “SEE Art Gates: States of Reality”

The Art Biennial is an international event which has been taking place in Pancevo, continuously since 1981. In the absence of economic and institutional support, particularly in the Balkan Region, artists are often compelled to immigrate to countries of more developed culture, in order to enhance their chances of survival and success on the ultracompetitive …

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Why We Build a Research Hub on Ukrainian Contemporary Art

If we want to be able to understand what Ukrainian art is about and how it has been a driving force for civil society throughout the last 30 years, now is the time to remember. by Björn Geldhof Coming to Ukraine about seven years ago and living here ever since has been a journey filled with …

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Performing for the Camera in Central and Eastern Europe

Photography provided a guaranteed witness to the burgeoning genre of performance art in the 1960s, when restrictions in Socialist societies sometimes created a far different relationship between performance and documentation than in the West. Art historian Amy Bryzgel highlights several key works of Central and Eastern European performance art from the MoMA Collection. by Amy …

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Eastern Eden?

by Simon Hewitt How is East European art developing from a Western European point of view? Where do Western collectors look when they hunt in East? What is the next ‘big thing’ for Western collectors to look for in Eastern Europe? Which countries can become a market focus – and why? Those were the questions fired …

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“The Harmony of Chaos” at ALMA gallery, Riga

via Echo gone wrong The Harmony of Chaos is curated by Elīna Sproģe and it will be on view at Alma Gallery until 5th of August 2016. Artists: Camille Henrot (FR/USA), Daiga Grantiņa (LV/FR), Māra Brīvere (LV) The conceptual basis for the exhibition is shaped by a look back at the origins of the world. …

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Public & private (in various degrees of subjectivity)

By Nicoleta Papp Aurora Király’s show at Calina Gallery describes a society that is in a continuous conflict, in which themes like “history, hope, trauma, memory, human relationships, the thoughts of a child, garden, the last snow” are strongly related to the language. The art show “Reality Check” takes from the immediate reality three situations that …

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Lost in the Archive

The international contemporary art exhibition Lost in the Archive, organised by the Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art in partnership with the Association of Culture Institutions of Riga Municipality, will be open from the 5th February at the exhibition hall Riga Art Space. The exhibition explores the archive of the Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art (LCCA), …

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Revisiting Footnotes. Footprints of the Recent Past in the Post-Socialist Region

Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art is pleased to announce the publishing of the book Revisiting Footnotes. Footprints of the Recent Past in the Post-Socialist Region. The publication aims to capture and analyse the persistent Soviet era traces and references in art, public space, architecture, society, the field of collective and individual memories. Similar to footnotes …

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A collection of writings on self-organization phenomenon in culture The current economic situation and society’s low confidence in its institutions has suddenly demanded that artists become more imaginative in the way that they organise themselves. If labels such as ‘alternative’, ‘non-profit’ and ‘artist-run’ dominated the self-organised art scene that emerged in the late 1990s, the …

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New Lithuanian art space to open in 2019

  The first museum dedicated to Lithuanian Modern and contemporary art is due open in Vilnius, the country’s capital, in early 2019. The 33,400 sq. ft concrete-and-glass building, designed by Daniel Libeskind, will act as a “gateway” between the Medieval and 18th-century parts of the city, according to the architect. Viktoras Butkus, the former director …

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ABOUT THE PROJECT Easttopics is a non-profit initiative launched in 2013, led by young art professionals based in Hungary and Serbia and dedicated to the promotion of the Eastern European contemporary art field. Working as a think tank for the Eastern European art communities, Easttopics is a genuinely interdisciplinary cooperative which goal is to draw …

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