Group show at VUNU

Artists: Tudor Ciurescu, Eliza Douglas, Viktor Frešo, Thilo Jenssen, Botond Keresztesi, Julian-Jakob Kneer, Tim PlamperTitle: TEXNOCurators: Niki Bernath & Michal StolarikVenue: VUNU Bratislava, Slovakia The incessant kick drum is no longer as rough as in the beginning. It is melting into softer registers, dictating the pace to a crowd of sweating bodies in the deluge of …

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Jan Kovářík, Jan Soumar at Pradiareň

Artists: Jan Kovářík, Jan SoumarTitle: The Impermanence of BeingCurator: Michal StolárikVenue: Pradiareň, Bratislava, SlovakiaPhotography: Isonative Physical cases break up into clusters of expressive elements flying across dimensions. Stable and concrete becomes dynamic and abstract. Uncontrolled bubbling sets into solid shapes, and endless experiments materialise into imaginative objects of indistinct purpose and origin. Forms, structures or …

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Szilvia Bolla at Glassyard Gallery

​Artist: Szilvia Bolla Title: Running Up That Hill Curator: Barnabás Zemlényi-Kovács Venue: Glassyard Gallery, Budapest Photos: Áron Lődi The art of Szilvia Bolla, which has started with abstract anti-photographs reacting against the depressive overconsumption of pictures, now arrived at a post-photographic praxis that tackles the subject of depression itself. As depression is both individual and …

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Hanele Zane Putniņa at 427

Artist: Hanele Zane Putniņa Title: Linolejija Venue: 427, Riga Photos: Līga Spunde Originally formed from seismic chisel movements and colour eruptions. Eventually, it became inhabited by linoshavings, which evolved from chisel-cut beings. It is a place where the chisel doesn’t know how to stop, like the atmosphere enveloping the surface of a linoshavingsland, at times …

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Group show at Berlinskej model

Artists: Natalia Domínguez Rangel, Filip Rybkowski, Stanislav Zábrodský Exhibition title: time-dip Curators: Agáta Hošnová, Karolína Voleská Venue: Berlinskej model, Prague Photos: Michal Ureš   a drop of pigment blackens a still surface, a groove cuts through smooth, moving waves shape the texture of the sand into titillating dunes, dust settles on majestic marble in pastel …

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Emir Šehanović at TROTOAR

Artist: Emir ŠehanovićTitle: THERE WILL BE BLISSVenue: TROTOAR, ZagrebText: Ivan Šuković „Why aren’t revolutions started by the most humane people? Because humane people don’t start revolutions, they start libraries… and cemeteries”.Jean-Luc Godard, Notre Musique There is a world of tangible objects. But there is also another reality, one that exists within us. It is shaped …

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Bence Magyarlaki at PARIS·B

Artist: Bence Magyarlaki Title: AT SATURN’S CUSP Venue: Paris-B, Paris Text: Salomé Burstein Photos: Theo Baulig …To be utopia, it is enough that I be a body  (Michel Foucault, 1966) The body and architecture are central to Bence Magyarlaki’s practice. Their works encapsulate the tensions within movement, questioning the patriarchal values reflected in our societal …

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Aleksandra Liput, Maciej Nowacki at Łęctwo gallery

Artists: Aleksandra Liput, Maciej Nowacki Title: You have to be in hell to see heaven Curator: Eleonora Bojanowska Venue: Łęctwo gallery Photos: Szymon Sokołowski “One thing that comes out in myths is that at the bottom of the abyss comes the voice of salvation. The black moment is the moment when the real message of …

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András Király at Viltin Gallery

Artist: András Király ​Title: Finestra Venue: Viltin Gallery, Budapest, Hungary ​Photos: Réka Hegyháti / all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Viltin Gallery, Budapest ’Now, leaving other things aside, I’ll tell you how I do it when I paint. First of all, where I am to paint, I draw a rectangle of any size I …

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Olbram Pavlíček at GMU

Artist: Olbram Pavlíček Title: KORPSEPUNX: Stress Prosthetics Curator: Jiří Sirůček In dialogue with Mikuláš Medek Venue: GMU, Hradec Králové Photos: GMU, Olbram Pavlíček Olbram Pavlíček’s exhibition KORPSEPUNX: Stress Prosthetics at the White Cube of Hradec Králové’s Gallery of Modern Art presents the artist’s latest sculptures, prints, and drawings in which he subversively imitates the design …

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Danai Anesiadou at EΜΣΤ

​Artist: Danai Anesiadou:​Title: D POSSESSIONSCurator: Ioli Tzanetaki ​Venue: EΜΣΤ​, Athen Photos: we document art​, Paris Tavitian​, Lynn Vanden Bossche Danai Anesiadou’s exhibition at EΜΣΤ entitled D POSSESSIONS invites visitors into an allegorical scenography consisting of sculptures, collages, and her own furniture, among others, referencing the rise of political, social and spiritual crises. In an attempt …

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Áron Lődi at 1111

Artist: Áron Lődi Curator:  Barnabás Zemlényi-Kovács Title: Metallurgia ​Venue: 1111, Budapest Just like smelting iron ore, the recently crisis-ridden iconic steel plant Dunai Vasmű – during its exactly seventy-year operation – could also smelt into itself the peculiar economic and political history of Hungary, from socialist industrialization through Post-Fordism to the recent reindustrialisation program, from …

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Tina Hrevušová at Pragovka Gallery

Artist: Tina HrevušováTitle: Unexpected ExistenceVenue: Pragovka Gallery Curator: Tea Záchová Dystopia or the near future? What if we woke up the next day from uneasy dreams and found ourselves transformed in our bed into an exotic insect which you could not yet control or define through other body functions. But you would see many changes …

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Anna Ruth, Stanislav Zábrodský at Studio PRÁM

Artists: Anna Ruth and Stanislav Zábrodský Title: Almost Time For a Bliss Curator: Světlana Malinová and Edita Štrajtová Venue: Studio PRÁM, Prague Photos: Anna Pleslová My tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. My dry throat calls for attention, this time with greater intensity. I am not even halfway there. My wings are unspeakably …

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Group show at Trotoar Gallery

Artists: Selma Selman, Jasmina Cibic, Šejla KamerićTitle: Her Barbaric LuxuryCurator: Martina Marić RodriguesVenue: Trotoar Gallery, Zagreb If you think you can grasp me, think againmy story flows in more than one directiona delta springing from the riverbedwith its five fingers spread– Adrienne Rich Text by Martina Marić Rodrigues: When Igor Stravinsky’s ballet Le Sacre du …

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