ACLIM! Agency for Climate Imaginary! at APA, Budapest

Artists: András Cséfalvay; Gideon Horváth & Kata Dóra Kiss; Tamás Kaszás; Csilla Nagy; Süveges Rita; Ádám Ulbert; Zilahi Anna Title: ACLIM! Agency for Climate Imaginary! Venue: A.P.A. Gallery Curator: Gideon Horváth; Rita Süveges; Anna Zilahi Photo: Dávid Bíró / OFF-Biennale, The Orbital Stranger / Off-Biennale Can we grasp the planetary ecological crisis through local issues? …

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17th Art Biennial, Pancevo “SEE Art Gates: States of Reality”

The Art Biennial is an international event which has been taking place in Pancevo, continuously since 1981. In the absence of economic and institutional support, particularly in the Balkan Region, artists are often compelled to immigrate to countries of more developed culture, in order to enhance their chances of survival and success on the ultracompetitive …

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