Inside Job at 66P Subjective Institution of Culture

Artist: Inside Job (Ula Lucińska, Michał Kynchaus)Title:There Are Flowers That Are Born of MudCurator: Joanna Kobyłt (BWA Wrocław Gallery)Venue: 66P Subjective Institution of Culture, Księcia Witolda 66, Wrocław, PolandPhotography: Małgorzata Kujda The industrial ovens that baked bread for the army have long since cooled down1. Besides, no fire could burn in an environment almost devoid of …

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Inside Job at Šopa Gallery

Artists: Inside Job / Ula Lucińska & Michał Knychaus Title: Whispers from the Cracked Horizon Venue: Šopa Gallery,  Košice Curator: Michal Stolárik Photos: Tatiana Takáčová Indistinct whispering gradually merges into background noise. Only familiar references, shapes, colours and materials remain, activating memories, ambiguous emotions and flashbacks of nostalgia for situations yet to be experienced. An …

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Group show at eastcontemporary

Artists: Ania Bąk, Jakub Czyszczoń, Piotr Bury Łakomy, Inside Job (Ula Lucińska and Michał Knychaus), Daniel Koniusz, Mateusz Sadowski  Title: Minimo uno. Massimo due Venue:  eastcontemporary, Milan Photos: Tiziano Ercoli 1. Fragment (definition): a small separate entity that has been broken off from a larger unity. 2. The existence of a fragment implies the loss …

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Inside Job at Lily Robert, Paris

Artist: Inside JobTitle: In FlamesVenue: Lily Robert, ParisText: Indira BéraudPhotos: Aurélien Mole At a galloping pace, raging fires mark the landscape like a red-hot iron. Soils are scorched, skies painted with toxic smoke. With this before us, no one can ignore the impact of climate change. An upward trend of conflagration risk rings loud and …

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