Hanele Zane Putniņa at 427

Artist: Hanele Zane Putniņa Title: Linolejija Venue: 427, Riga Photos: Līga Spunde Originally formed from seismic chisel movements and colour eruptions. Eventually, it became inhabited by linoshavings, which evolved from chisel-cut beings. It is a place where the chisel doesn’t know how to stop, like the atmosphere enveloping the surface of a linoshavingsland, at times …

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Anna Slama and Marek Delong at 4 2 7

Title: Bludna Loza Venue: 427, Riga Curated by: Christina Gigliotti Photos: Līga Spunde It’s not easy to find the Bludna Loza, but she’s there. After walking some half day, sleeping on the dried pine needles and earth, hungry and sore, you’ll find her. She is not the tallest tree in the woods, nor the fattest, …

Read moreAnna Slama and Marek Delong at 4 2 7