Interview with Piera Ravnikar

The fast approaching third edition of LJUBLJANA ART WEEKEND will be curated by ETC., an annual magazine committed to showcasing contemporary artistic expressions spanning from the Baltic to the Balkans. The theme of the third issue of the magazine, Selling Out, directly correlates to the overarching theme of Ljubljana Art Weekend. It delves into the …

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Group Show at

Artists: Eglė Budvytytė (LT/NL), Kasha Potrohosh (UA/SK), Viktória Revická (SK), Jura Shust (BY/DE), Ádám Ulbert (HU), Alicja Wysocka (PL/NL)Curator: Flóra Gadó / HUVenue:, Bratislava Photos: isonative The exhibition is inspired by recent interest in spiritual worldviews and the revival of ancient knowledge in contemporary art. In times of crisis such as the current one, it …

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