Gábor Pap at Artkartell Projectspace

Artist: Gábor Pap Title: Notebook of escape ideas Curator: Gábor Rieder Venue: Artkartell Projectspace, Budapest Photos: István András Juhász Artkartell projectspace is happy to present the season opening solo exhibition of Gábor Pap: Notebook of escape ideas. As a member of the youngest generation of Hungarian artists, in his collection of extraordinary sincerity Pap mixes …

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Katarína Hrušková and Lucie Rosenfeldová at Cursor Gallery 

Artists: Katarína Hrušková and Lucie Rosenfeldová  Curator: Jan Zálešák Venue:  Cursor Gallery, Prague Photos: Filip Beranek Here we are, in the gallery. Crouched on the floor, painted coral red, where a lightly rippling metal ellipse held together by hundreds of welds and lifting two tiny bronze shells at the furthest open ends at eye level, we …

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The third edition of the international gallery exchange SUMO Prague 2022 brings exhibitions, performances, and lectures that have developed through cooperation between international partners in the field of contemporary art. SUMO Prague 2022, subtitled CO-EXIST, will take place from September 1 to October 14, 2022, in Prague. In this year’s edition of the project, which …

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Iva Krupicová, Pavel Šimíček at Studio PRÁM

Artist: Iva Krupicová, Pavel ŠimíčekTitle: Paradox of the Simply DisciplineCurator: Šárka KoudelováVenue: Studio PRÁM, Prague The works of Iva Krupicová and Pavel Šimíček are typical for their non-figural expression. It even seems that certain disinterest is part of the aim of both artists. As if they were both looking for a form that denies any …

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Grzegorz Demczuk at Karlin Studios, Prague

Artist: Grzegorz DemczukTitle: SlapstickCurator: Lukas HofmannVenue: Karlin Studios As they say, there are lessons to be found in failure. The need to intellectually process and define everything that contemporary art often exerts can become a consuming errand – failing then poses as a therapeutic device. Likewise, in this show, failure acts as a process of …

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Antonie Stanová at Kvalitář Gallery

Artist: Antonie Stanová  Title: I Tried to Tell Ya Something Through the Phone Venue: Kvalitář Gallery, Prague Curator: Monika Čejková Photo: Studio Flusser The exhibition I Tried to Tell Ya Something Through the Phone presents the artistic output of Czech painter Antonie Stanové, accompanied by the auditory work of Bohumila Grögerová, a writer, translator, and creative figure from …

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Jana J. Mercogliano at Pragovka Gallery Entry

Title: In the Other World 17. 9. – 17.10. Venue: Pragovka Gallery Entry Curator: Tereza Špinková Photos: Marcel Rozhoň   In the science fields, an effort is being put to acknowledge more senses among the 5 basic ones generally known. One of the new senses could be proprioception. It literally means “feelings of own body“. It is about …

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Stranger Danger at Stone Projects

Artist: Ondřej Basjuk, Karolina Bielawska, Filip Dvořák, Nikolaj Moskal Exhibition title: Stranger Danger Curator: Laura Amann Venue: Stone Projects, Prague, Czech Republic Date: August 30 – October 8, 2019 Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the Stone Projects and Tomáš Souček ‘I hate travelling and explorers’ are the famous first lines of Claude Lévi-Strauss ‘Tristes Tropiques’, …

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Easttopics Artist in Residence | Milica Mijajlović (SRB/CZ)

Title: How am I to protect my wax-built castles of love from the devouring heat of your fires? Venue: Easttopics, Budapest, Hungary Photo: Dávid Atóth 2019.09.05. – 2019.10.12. Easttopics is proud to present Milica Mijajlović’s first solo exhibition in Hungary as a result of the young artist’s residency in Budapest. Featuring her most recent paintings …

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Tomáš Bryscejn and Tania Nikulina

Title: Burn My Tent Till the Rent Curator: Kristýna PéčováJuly 17 – September 10, 2019 Venue: Pragovka Gallery Entry, Prague Atmosphere outlining an open plot, time to picnic in the internals of a construction site. Finally wander into a different structure, behind the shimmering veneer. To be in the place after the ending, with no …

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3 inch giant in your bathroom

Artist: Piotr Łakomy Curated by: Michal Novotny Venue: Futura, Prague, The Czech RepublicPhotography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Futura At the turn of the 20th century crystal was a great topic in art. Supposedly, it was due to its quality to symbolise the unity of the natural, organic and the ideal, geometric. In the same …

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Nanospasm Lab

Adam VačkářGalerie Nod Curator: Pavel KubesaText by: Domenico de Chirico The artistic research of Adam Vačkář is going at a pace that, in some respects, is a clear reference to the field of science. However, Vačkář’s intuitive approach aims at turning this pace upside down, making it circular and giving the elements that make it …

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Work on the Future

Artists: Pavla Sceranková, Dušan Zahoranský Curator: Václav Janoščík Architect: David Fesl Venue: Fait Gallery, Brno, The Czech Republic Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Fait Gallery, Brno As if the main contradiction of the present didn’t lie in the very problems we are currently facing, from climate change to the revival of populism and misinterpretation. Perhaps …

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