Artists: Anežka Hošková, Jakub Nepraš, Jiří Thýn, Julie Lupačová, Krištof Kintera, Pavla Beranová, Tereza Bartůňková, Aeldryn, Vladivojna La Chia
Title: Light Underground
Venue: Prague City Gallery
Curator: Sandra Baborovská
Important warning: The exhibition is not suitable for epileptics and asthmatics

The exhibition of light art interventions in the vaults of the Stone Bell House loosely follows up on the successful series of light and music performances conducted this summer. The exhibition will feature some of the light objects used in the previous performances, together with light installations and videos from the Prague City Gallery collections (Jakub Nepraš, Natural Selection I., 2015, Jiří Thýn – Unnamed (from the Light Painting series) 2010, Philips, videos, 2010. Also featured will be an artwork by Krištof Kintera (My Light is Your Life – Shiva Samurai, 2009), a video by Anežka Hošková (Lucifer’s The Light of the World, 2019) and interactive neon and sound objects by Julie Lupačová (Sound Visualization Lab I., 2019).