Artists: Andrea Júlia Fajgerné Dudás and Orsolya Oláh
Title: Woman Flat
Venue: Easttopics, Budapest
Photos: Dávid Tóth

Woman Flat not only marks ten years of the group’s existence, but also celebrates the 50th anniversary of American feminist artist Judy Chicago’s cult feminist exhibition, installation and performance entitled Womanhouse(1972).

Judy Chicago’s and Canadian feminist artist Miriam Schapiro’s spirit and ideas are of a central importance to Lilith’s Legacy. Reflecting and building on this heritage, the site-specific installations realised in Easttopics’ spaces focuse on the concept of home as the most intimate place.
Approaching women’s emancipation in an unusual way, the exhibition allows visitors to progress from common spaces to private ones, and to walk the symbolic path that stretches from questions determining women’s life and status treated as an actual political and societal matter to the private, intimate spheres.

Although in 2022, the urgent challenges in women’s lives and societal conventions are different than 50 years ago, the topic of the exhibition remains actual, and the thought-provoking activism of women artists legitimate, necessary. The relation between actual politics and gender questions remains unsolved to this day, common, cohesive work and dialogue is therefore necessary for the gap not to deepen.
Paying tribute to the spirit of Womanhouse, discussions and lectures will be held for the duration of the event.