Nepheli Barbas, Martin Herold at  Berlinskej model

Artist: Nepheli Barbas, Martin Herold Title: Water of Mars – Couples 7 Curator: Richard BakešVenue: Berlinskej model, Prague Photos: František Svatoš The Arago tobacco bar is an abandoned and familiar place, indifferent and intimate, where one wishes to forget the seasons of Mars and the sulphurous breath of the glass doorways. The wandering customers bathe …

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Kristina Õllek at Kogo Gallery

Artist: Kristina Õllek Title: Waters of Hypoxic Slime and Tropic Lime Venue: Kogo Gallery, Tartu 3.5 billion years ago, being present then and now,the oldest known organism is living among us. The catalyst and the changer of Earth’s life forms,creating the oxygenic atmosphere as we know and breathe.Breathe breathe breathe, say hello to cyanobacteria. At …

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OPEN CALL – Puja Journal

For its very first issue, Puja Journal seeks written and visual contributions that contemplate the theme of feeding. About the Journal Puja Journal works with, through, and for independent thought and emotion in and between Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean. The journal seeks to form bonds and networks alternative to the idea of centre-periphery dichotomy. …

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Honza Zamojski at MGLC

Artist: Honza Zamojski Title: Middleman Curator: Nevenka Šivavec and Yasmín Martín Vodopivec Venue: MGLC, Ljubljana In Honza Zamojski’s latest exhibition, the eponymous Middleman plays various roles. He is a viewer who, upon entering the exhibition space, stands in the middle of the symmetrical architecture. He is also an author who mediates between the world of …

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Klára Hosnedlová at Kestner Gesellschaft

Artist: Klára Hosnedlová Title: To Infinity Curators: Adam Budak and Alexander Wilmschen Venue: Kestner Gesellschaft, Hanover Photo: Zdenek Porcal – Studio Flusser For her first institutional solo exhibition, Klára Hosnedlová metamorphoses the Kestner Gesellschaft’s halls into labyrinthian interiorities, laboriously modeling spatialities of voyeuristic surfaces—oblique mirrors of humanoid selves. Her monumental performative sculptures, suspended like clouds …

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Asztrid Csatlós at Pécs

Artist: Asztrid Csatlós Title: Nocturnal predators Venue: Művészetek és Irodalom Háza, Pécs I started the Nocturnal Predators series in 2022. The basic concept of the series started from a previous photo documentation, which dealt with the wave of migration that started in 2015. The location is a dirt road near my place of residence. This …

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Laura Põld at (AV17)Gallery

Artist: Laura Põld Title: Translating and Co-labouring Venue: (AV17)GALLERY, Vilnius Photos: Evgenia Levin Laura Põld works in the fields of interdisciplinary crafts and sculpture-based practice. The artist’s work continuously explores the environmental history, fundamental human and more-than-human skills and needs, including community, safety and shelter. A great emphasis in Põld’s work falls on her choice …

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Apparatus 22 at Suprainfinit Gallery 

Artist: Apparatus 22  Title: Of Pleasure: The Learnings and Strange Fortunes of Atletica Ideal  Venue: Suprainfinit Gallery , Bucharest, Romania The solo exhibition of the art collective Apparatus 22 at Suprainfinit Gallery is a truly daring proposal for a major leap into the future ~ the unknown ~ utopia, in order to bring into dialogue fresh …

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Klára Hosnedlová at Lyon Biennale 2022

Artist: Klára Hosnedlová Title: 16th Lyon Biennale manifesto of fragility Curators: Sam Bardaouil and Till Fellrath Venue: Lyon Biennale, Fagor Factories, Lyon, France Photos: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and ©Lyon Biennale Klára Hosnedlová’s corporeal, immersive installations address utopian visions and imagine our future, post-nature selves. Interweaving architectural elements with performance, sculpture and also …

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Nika Kupyrova at Bildraum

Artist: Nika Kupyrova Title: Woman in Green Text by Kathrin Heinrich Photography by Janine Schranz Video installation by Gerald Zahn and Nika Kupyrova Venue: Bildraum, Vienna Crime and Embellishment A scene is set: the swimming pool glistening in the fractured sunlight of an unsettled autumn day, leaves strewn about the cobblestone ground, the doors of …

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Group show at Pragovka Gallery

Artists: Veronika Šrek Bromová, Petra Čížková, Viktor Fuček, Julia Gryboś a Barbora Zentková, Eliška Hanuš a Haštal Hapka, Vendula Chalánková, Petra Janda, Pille-Riin Jaik a Nazira Karimi, ka3ka3, Maud Kotasová, Tomas Kotík a Daniel Vlček, Judita Levitnerová, Petr Lysáček, Kristýna Manchart, Martina Nosková, Lucie Nováčková, Martin Pondělíček, Pavel Příkaský, Eva Rotreklová, Tomáš Samek, Denisa Půbalová, Ladislav …

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7th Vilnius Biennial of Ceramic Art “(Al)chemy”

Title: The (Al)chemists of time or a monumental wordBiennial’s artistic director: Agnė Šemberaitė.Coordinators: Rūta Šipalytė, Eglė Einikytė-Narkevičienė, Evelina Juncienė, Rasa Justaitė-Gecevičienė, Solveiga Gutautė, Jurga Jasinskaitė, Valdas Pukevičius.Biennial selection committee: Rita Mikučionytė, Monika Patuszyńska, Evelina Januškaitė, Rūta Šipalytė, Rytas JakimavičiusAuthor of the exhibition: Milena PirštelienėOrganizer: Lithuanian Artists’ Association’s Arka GalleryDesign: Mantas Ramanauskas No matter what you …

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Group show at Galeria e Bregdetit

Exhibiting Collective: Kiara Asllani, Elisa Crostella, Michela Curti, Chiara De Maria, Adi Demi, Eni Derhemi, Giulia Dongillli, Ina Lisi, Lara Tonon Guest Artists: Elischa Kaminer, Sivan Rubinstein Title: Performative Exhibition #3 – Collective Contours Venue: Galeria e Bregdetit, Radhimë, Albania Organizers: Galeria e Bregdetit, Tirana Art Lab, ECUMENE Project Photos: Giulia Dajçi Performative Exhibition #3 …

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Group show at Kunsthalle Bega

Artists: Hyunjin Bek (South Korea), Adriana Chiruta (Romania), Baptiste Debombourg (France), Heecheon Kim (South Korea), Fabio Lattanzi Antinori (UK), Lawrence Lek (UK), Dalibor Martinis (Croatia), Adina Mocanu (Romania), Maria Pop Timaru (Romania), Larisa Sitar (Romania), Dimitar Solakov (Bulgaria), Stardust Architects (Romania) Title: Chronicles of the Future Superheroes Curator: Anca Verona Mihuleț Text: Ioana Chira Venue: Kunsthalle …

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Stach Szumski At Berlinskej Model

Artist: Stach SzumskiTitle: IPS TYPOGRAPHUSCurator: Piotr SikoraVenue: Berlinskej Model, Prague ​​The story you are about to read – or perhaps rather be swallowed by – is written on the walls of the gallery space. The intervention was conducted by Stachu in collaboration with legions of bugs as a part of a long-lasting psychedelic therapy session. …

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