Why We Build a Research Hub on Ukrainian Contemporary Art

If we want to be able to understand what Ukrainian art is about and how it has been a driving force for civil society throughout the last 30 years, now is the time to remember. by Björn Geldhof Coming to Ukraine about seven years ago and living here ever since has been a journey filled with …

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Performing for the Camera in Central and Eastern Europe

Photography provided a guaranteed witness to the burgeoning genre of performance art in the 1960s, when restrictions in Socialist societies sometimes created a far different relationship between performance and documentation than in the West. Art historian Amy Bryzgel highlights several key works of Central and Eastern European performance art from the MoMA Collection. by Amy …

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Eastern Eden?

by Simon Hewitt How is East European art developing from a Western European point of view? Where do Western collectors look when they hunt in East? What is the next ‘big thing’ for Western collectors to look for in Eastern Europe? Which countries can become a market focus – and why? Those were the questions fired …

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