Jana J. Mercogliano at Pragovka Gallery Entry

Title: In the Other World 17. 9. – 17.10. Venue: Pragovka Gallery Entry Curator: Tereza Špinková Photos: Marcel Rozhoň   In the science fields, an effort is being put to acknowledge more senses among the 5 basic ones generally known. One of the new senses could be proprioception. It literally means “feelings of own body“. It is about …

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Luka Kedžo at Museum of Fine Arts, Split

Title: WHO LIVES HERE, WHO LIVES HERE? Curated by Jasminka Babić 5th – 30th, September 2019 Venue: Museum of Fine Arts, Split Text: Jasminka Babić … but why do I have to part with my memories; memories that are contained in such a state of scrap that externally they resemble garbage? I don’t understand this… …

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Małgorzata Szymankiewicz and Márton Nemes at Erika Deák Gallery

Title: Falling out the rythm Venue: Erika Deák Gallery, Budapest 2019. 09. 05. – 10. 19. Photo: Dávid Bíró Erika Deák Gallery is delighted to announce its season opening exhibition, a collaboration with BWA Warsawa Gallery, where we will present the most recent works of Hungarian Márton Nemes and Polish Małgorzata Szymankiewicz.   Both artists deal …

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Stranger Danger at Stone Projects

Artist: Ondřej Basjuk, Karolina Bielawska, Filip Dvořák, Nikolaj Moskal Exhibition title: Stranger Danger Curator: Laura Amann Venue: Stone Projects, Prague, Czech Republic Date: August 30 – October 8, 2019 Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the Stone Projects and Tomáš Souček ‘I hate travelling and explorers’ are the famous first lines of Claude Lévi-Strauss ‘Tristes Tropiques’, …

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“Cosmic Existence” at LCCA

Artists: Ieva Balode, Kristaps Epneras, Viktors Timofeevs and Arturs Virtmanis Title: Cosmic Existence Venue: Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, 2019 Photo: Margarita Ogoļceva, Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, 2019 “Cosmic Existence” –  first exhibition of the project “Unexpected Encounters” “Unexpected Encounters” is a research and exhibition project that explores the relationship between science fiction, art …

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George Crîngaşu at Horizont Gallery

Title: Devonian LeapVenue: Horizont, Budapest The future was modern archaic, contemporary is a myth and like all great myths it bares the test of time through moral consequence. The creative stance took a full bite of hard reset and reverted itself to a past instance.  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// For this we go back…. Way back, in the …

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Lenka Glisníková at Berlínskej model, Prague

Title: Tomorrow we’re one, my friend Venue: Berlínskej model, Prague Text by Michal Jalůvka Darkened premises of the building are not as deserted as they may seem. Seemingly empty rooms with quietly whirring servers and cups with remains of cold coffee have come to life over the past several nights. Surely an attentive visitor wouldn’t miss …

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Zhanna Kadyrova at Zahorian & Van Espen | FOAF Prague

Zhanna Kadyrova | Resistance of Mattercurated by Elena Sorokina31 Aug – 4 Oct 2019ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN Prague The exhibition features a selection of projects by Zhanna Kadyrova and explores the relationship between architecture and mosaic in Ukraine and other countries. Monumental mosaic panels often decorated the concrete “grey cubes” of socialist housing projects, institutions and …

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Ivana Tkalčič at Lauba

Title: BWPWP/Back When Pluto Was a Planet Venue: Lauba – House for People and Art, Zagreb Photo: Palma Poljaković On view until 19 September On the 24th of June 2006 at a meeting of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in Prague, it has been decided that Pluto would not be considered the ninth planet anymore. …

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Easttopics Artist in Residence | Milica Mijajlović (SRB/CZ)

Title: How am I to protect my wax-built castles of love from the devouring heat of your fires? Venue: Easttopics, Budapest, Hungary Photo: Dávid Atóth 2019.09.05. – 2019.10.12. Easttopics is proud to present Milica Mijajlović’s first solo exhibition in Hungary as a result of the young artist’s residency in Budapest. Featuring her most recent paintings …

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József Csató | ENA Viewing Space

Exhibition title: Not Enough Buckets To Hold The Tears Of Joy Venue: ENA Viewing Space, Budapest Curator: Peter Bencze Text by Domenico de Chirico Date: August 19 – September 19, 2019 Photography: Aron Weber / all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Everybody Needs Art, ENA Viewing Space “Myths and tears pervade József Csató’s entire oeuvre, so …

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Tomáš Bryscejn and Tania Nikulina

Title: Burn My Tent Till the Rent Curator: Kristýna PéčováJuly 17 – September 10, 2019 Venue: Pragovka Gallery Entry, Prague Atmosphere outlining an open plot, time to picnic in the internals of a construction site. Finally wander into a different structure, behind the shimmering veneer. To be in the place after the ending, with no …

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Pauki Hardware

Title: Underbelly Venue: MdbK, Leipzig, GermanyDate: August 10 – November 3, 2019 Photography: All images copyright and courtesy of the artists and MdbK, Leipzig. Photos by PUNCTUM / Alexander Schmidt, Ugnius Gelguda and Isora X Lozuraityte Studio for Architecture Architects: Ona Lozuraitytė & Petras Išora Artistic duo Pakui Hardware, comprised of Ugnius Gelguda and Neringa Černiauskaitė, has been tracing …

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