3 inch giant in your bathroom

Artist: Piotr Łakomy Curated by: Michal Novotny Venue: Futura, Prague, The Czech RepublicPhotography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Futura At the turn of the 20th century crystal was a great topic in art. Supposedly, it was due to its quality to symbolise the unity of the natural, organic and the ideal, geometric. In the same …

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Fables From The Ship Of Fools

Artist: Ádám Ulbert Venue: Artkartell The Artkartell projectspace gladly presents the new solo exhibition by Adam Ulbert, with his latest series titled Fables From The Ship Of Fools. The Amsterdam based Hungarian artist re-tells stories that usually comes both from the field of mythology and natural sciences. He narrates and forms them with his particular …

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Artists: Ján Gašparovič & Matej Gavula Venue: Hotdock Project Space Curator: Andrej Kabal Photo: Leontína Berková There are things among us which are there even though we cannot see them. I am not referring to a children’s game of pretending to be invisible once you close your eyes, or plainclothes policemen at parties in our …

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Artist: Nona Inescu Curated by: Nadja Quante Venue: Künstlerhaus Bremen, Bremen, Germany Photography: Franziska von den Driesch / all images copyright and courtesy of the artist, Künstlerhaus Bremen and SABOT Corporealle, presents works by artist Nona Inescu (b. 1991 in Bucharest) that focus on thehuman interaction with natural and primitive materials – animate and inanimate. Inescu’s interdisciplinary art …

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Among and Between

Exhibiting artists: Zsuzsa Magyari, Tünde Mézes, Ádám Takács, Ádám Miklós Varga Curator: Mónika Zsikla Graphic design: Marcell KazsikVenue: Budapest Gallery The Budapest Gallery’s summer exhibition, which concludes this academic year, will present the work of four young artists. The artists’ shared endeavour to “fill the space”, the dialogues between the individual artworks, and the ways …

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Happy End

Artist: Dominika OlszowyCurator: Tomek PawłowskiVenue: Galeria Arsenał, Białystok Happy End is a monographic presentation of works by Dominika Olszowy, an artist operating in a field of visual arts meeting the theatre and performance art. The exhibition shows a selection of older works focusing on such themes as existential crisis and resulting anxieties, as well as …

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The deity of mine

Kornelia Dzikowska Curator: Magdalena Adameczek Exhibition architect: Karolina Szczygieł Venue: Zona Sztuki Aktualnej, Szczecin, Poland Enter the sphere of purifica1on, where the impossible becomes possible. Immerse your gaze in water devoid of bad energy that will fill your body and soul with posi1ve vibra1ons. Let it flow through your whole body and with every second …

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Nanospasm Lab

Adam VačkářGalerie Nod Curator: Pavel KubesaText by: Domenico de Chirico The artistic research of Adam Vačkář is going at a pace that, in some respects, is a clear reference to the field of science. However, Vačkář’s intuitive approach aims at turning this pace upside down, making it circular and giving the elements that make it …

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Work on the Future

Artists: Pavla Sceranková, Dušan Zahoranský Curator: Václav Janoščík Architect: David Fesl Venue: Fait Gallery, Brno, The Czech Republic Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Fait Gallery, Brno As if the main contradiction of the present didn’t lie in the very problems we are currently facing, from climate change to the revival of populism and misinterpretation. Perhaps …

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Sunbaked Thirst With Love

Tom Volkaert, Zsófia Keresztes Venue: ENA Viewing Space, Budapest Curator: Peter Bencze Photography: Aron Weber / all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Everybody Needs Art, ENA Viewing Space Weights of empathy as metaphor for heavy tears, Smiling ashtray standing on two legs, Eyes like carnivorous plants with empty belly, Chasing the snail, which will …

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Camera Lucida | Hungarian National Gallery

Artists: Sári Ember, Marcell Esterházy, Péter Puklus, Flóra Judit Schuller, Kata TrankerCurator: Lili Horváth Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest – building  A, ground floor The Hungarian National Gallery announces the next event of its temporary exhibition series of contemporary art, which accompanies and reflects upon the Fortepan exhibition. The new display shows works by young and …

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Gideon Horváth | I Put My Hand Into a Beehive

Curator: Flóra GADÓ Budapest Gallery Graphic design: Flóra PÁLHEGYI In his current exhibition Gideon Horváth, winner of Balkon Contemporary Art Magazine’s fifth Inside Express Award, continues his research on the ecological crisis. The artist’s answer to the various apocalyptic narratives is to focus on the here and the now. He argues, that in order to …

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Resort at Lokomotif

Artists: Antanas Gerlikas, Jeronimas Seibutis, Jolanta Marcišauskytė-Jurašienė, Linas Blažiūnas, Mantas Talmantas, Rasa Puzinienė, Vytenis Burokas Curators: Milda Dainovskytė, Laurynas Skeisgiela “Resort” is an exhibition exploring unavoidable shifts, accompanied by a series of meetings.  The notion of a resort as a mode of modernized living was popularized in Lithuania in the first half of the 20th …

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SCOOTER IV – Action of Young Art

International showcase of the next generation of artists of central Europe (Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia) Exhibition Title: SCOOTER IV – Action of Young ArtVenue: Jan Koniarek Gallery, Koppel villa, Zelený kríček 3, TrnavaCurator: PhDr. Vladimír Beskid Authors: Argišt Alaverdyan, APART collective, Marek Číhal, Andrej Dúbravský, Ákos Ezer, Svetlana Fialová, Julia Gryboś and Barbora Zentková, Anna Hulačová, Peter Kašpar, Ján …

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