Group show at VUNU

Artists: Tudor Ciurescu, Eliza Douglas, Viktor Frešo, Thilo Jenssen, Botond Keresztesi, Julian-Jakob Kneer, Tim PlamperTitle: TEXNOCurators: Niki Bernath & Michal StolarikVenue: VUNU Bratislava, Slovakia The incessant kick drum is no longer as rough as in the beginning. It is melting into softer registers, dictating the pace to a crowd of sweating bodies in the deluge of …

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Group show at VUNU Gallery

Artists: Matouš Kašpar, Adrian Altman and Zuzana Svatik Title: Decompose me, decompose you curator: Nikolas Bernath Venue: VUNU Gallery, Košice, Slovakia The name of the exhibition “Decompose me, decompose you“ is an excerpt of the lyrics of the song “BoyLife in EU” by Swedish rapper Yung Lean. The show was planned months ago so in …

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Group show at A Promise of Kneropy

Artist: Boris Ondreička, Ján Ballx, Jozef Mrva ml., APART Title: Abysses Venue: A Promise of Kneropy, Bratislava “He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” – Nietzsche (Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy …

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Svetlana Fialová at sopa gallery, kosice

Artist: Svetlana Fialová Title: BLOOMING CHERRY, INDEFINITE CLOUDS Venue: Sopa Gallery, Kosice Curator: Petra Housková Photo: Tatiana Takáčová Svetlana Fialová has for a long term and continuously developed her work in the medium of drawing while trying to push the usual boundaries and speculations about its exhaustibility. At the exhibition entitled Blooming Cherry, Indefinite Clouds, …

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Maja Štefančíková and Dana Tomečková At Beastro,Bratislava

Artists: Maja Štefančíková a Dana Tomečková Title: Live Gradient Spatial collaboration: Matej Gavula Musical collaboration: Petra Noskaiová Performers: Kristína Miklovičová, Petra Noskaiová, Silvia Sviteková, Terézia Števuliaková, Jozef Vaľo Photos: Šimon Parec Live Gradient                               Composition for color   y   ue i  a  o ou    a   e …

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Artists: Björnsonova, Cesnak majick society, Joey Holder, Maya Hottarek, Tabita Rezaire, Tai Shani Curator: Ema Hesterová & Denis Kozerawski (APART Collective) Title: To please, to curse, to foretell: A fire crawling out from the windows of a tower Venue: A Promise of Kneropy, Bratislava, Slovakia We survived the winter on sterile rye in the face of …

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iGOR EŠKINJA at kunsthalle Bratislava

Artist: Igor Eškinja Title: Exposures Venue: Kunsthalle Bratislava Curator: Tevž Logar The exhibition project that Igor Eškinja has conceptualized for the central hall of the Kunsthalle Bratislava was from the beginning permeated with various uncertainties. These of course, mostly related to the problems and side effects of the pandemic, which has posed a peculiar challenge …

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EVA KOŤÁTKOVÁ at Kunsthalle Bratislava

Artist: Eva Koťátková Curator: Jen Kratochvil Title: Get Used to My Body, I Live Quite Comfortably in It Venue: Kunsthalle LAB, Bratislava Photo: Kunsthalle Bratislava / Adam Šakový Czech, internationally renowned artist, Eva Koťátková’s first solo exhibition at Kunsthalle Bratislava – stepping into the complex web of ongoing relations in the square – is presented on …

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Artists: Ján Gašparovič & Matej Gavula Venue: Hotdock Project Space Curator: Andrej Kabal Photo: Leontína Berková There are things among us which are there even though we cannot see them. I am not referring to a children’s game of pretending to be invisible once you close your eyes, or plainclothes policemen at parties in our …

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Surface Depression and the Emergence of New Habitats

  On view until: 01.06.2019. Photos: APART collective, Dávid Bíró “APART collective made a visit to the region of upper Nitra to film a short movie concerning coal mining and its impact on the living environment. It is our contribution, on how we try to approach ever so more growing threat of the climate change, …

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ABOUT THE PROJECT Easttopics is a non-profit initiative launched in 2013, led by young art professionals based in Hungary and Serbia and dedicated to the promotion of the Eastern European contemporary art field. Working as a think tank for the Eastern European art communities, Easttopics is a genuinely interdisciplinary cooperative which goal is to draw …

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