Interview with Lőrinc Borsos artist duo

You’ve been working as an artist duo since 2008. I’ve always wondered: what it’s like to work as a duo. What are the advantages or the disadvantages that you’ve been experiencing over the past 12 years? Being together 24/7. I think this is an answer to both the advantages and disadvantages. You merge into one …

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Jakub Choma at PLATO Ostrava

Artist: Jakub Choma Title: Gears of Life Venue: PLATO Ostrava, Czech Republic Curated and organized by Jindřich Chalupecký Society The works by Jakub Choma are rooted in painting and his realizations still allude to this medium, despite their essential shift towards spatial object installation. Nevertheless, his works still include fragments of graphic art, use of …

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Interview with Barbora Půlpánová, founder of EDUART EXPERIENCE

You are the founder of the EDUART EXPERIENCE – a platform that helps new collectors navigate their way around the art world. How did you come up with this idea?   Since relocating from London back to the Czech Republic in March of last year, it became clear from very early on that my peers were …

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Zuza Banasińska at The House of the Lords of Kunštát, G99 Gallery

Artist: Zuza Banasińska Title: Fix it in post Venue: The House of the Lords of Kunštát, G99 Gallery, Brno Curator: Ivana Hrončeková Due to the closing of the gallery, the exhibition was conceived as a window installation, with the sound playing outside, in the courtyard. The exhibition centers around the former limestone quarry at Hády …

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Stach Szumski and Francesco Pacelli at eastcontemporary

Artists: Stach Szumski and Francesco Pacelli Title: Holobiont Rhapsody Venue: eastcontemporary, Milan, Italy Curated by eastcontemporary with accompanying text by Claudia Contu Introduction They are microscopic in size and invisible yet they possess a great power. They are always at work, acting discreetly in the shadows while forging unbreakable bonds and shaping all living beings. You …

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Ivana Bajec at Ravnikar Gallery Space

Artist: Ivana Bajec Title: August Venue: Ravnikar Gallery Space, Ljubljana Curator: Piera Ravnikar Photo: Mario Zupanov Ivana Bajec, an artist of the younger generation, presents herself for the first time in the RAVNIKAR GALLERY SPACE with the solo exhibition August. In an ambitious painting production prepared precisely for her première presentation, she continues, on the …

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Zhanna Kadyrova and Jiří Kovanda at ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN

Artists: Zhanna Kadyrova and Jiří Kovanda Title: (Almost) Involuntary Sculptures Venue: ZAHORIAN & VAN ESPEN, Bratislava Curator: Elena Sorokina Photo: Leontína Berková This exhibition creates a space for an encounter between Jiří Kovanda and Zhanna Kadyrova, and a possibility for the two artists to exchange about fragility in sculpture. Coming from different contexts and different …

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Mark Fridvalszki at ICA-D Institute of Contemporary Art

Artist: Mark Fridvalszki Title: Future Perfect Venue: ICA-D Institute of Contemporary Art, Dunaújváros, Hungary Curator: Barnabás Zemlényi-Kovács Text: Barnabás Zemlényi-Kovács “As I moved among these secret ruins, I found myself wondering what the inhabitants of that lost future would think of the world I lived in.”(Wiliam Gibson: The Gernsback Continuum, 1981) Future Perfect is a comprehensive …

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eastcontemporary by Agnieszka Fąferek and Julia Korzycka

Easttopics: How did it all start? When did you decide to open a space dedicated to Eastern European contemporary art in Milan and what was the initial spark of this story? Agnieszka Fąferek: It’s been a long story. We’re both Polish based in Milan, where we’ve been working within the arts sector since many years. Here, …

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