18th Tallinn Print Triennial: Warm. Checking Temperature in Three Acts

Artist: ArtLeaks | Jasmina Cibic | Hubert Czerepok | Agnes Denes | Igor Eškinja | Oxana Gourinovitch | Ferenc Gróf | Flo Kasearu | Eva Koťátková | Volodymyr Kuznetsov | Irena Lagator | Olson Lamaj | Marko Mäetamm | Alexander Manuiloff | Dóra Maurer | Raul Meel | Katja Novitskova | Dan Perjovschi | Géza …

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Kadri Liis Rääk at Hoib Gallery

Artist: Kadri Liis RääkExhibition title: XarkaadiaVenue: Hoib galerii, TallinnCurator: Marika Agu Kadri Liis Rääk (1990) is an artist combining the methods of scenography and new media, creating total and tactile environments. At the heart of her practice sits the idea of empowering the senses through the use of various materials. Kadri Liis treats her pieces …

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Áron Lőrincz at Longtermhandstand

Artist: Áron LőrinczExhibition title: SuccubusVenue: Longtermhandstand, BudapestCurator: Peter BenczeText by Bettina BencePhotography:  All images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Longtermhandstand, Budapest Áron Lőrincz finds the themes of his paintings mainly in the world of beliefs, legends and supernatural phenomena and examines their social and scientific explanations in the context of the age. The truth is legitimized …

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Group show at Eugster || Belgrade

Artists: Flaka Haliti, Saša Tkačenko, Bojan ŠarčevićTitle: PredatoryVenue: Eugster|| BelgradeCurator: Natalija Paunić,with additional text by Mira Gaćina With its title, the show at Eugster || Belgrade points to a key question of our time, zooming in on the role of the Predator, the supposed peak of the food chain. Can we simply identify our current relationship …

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