Szilvia Bolla at Glassyard Gallery

​Artist: Szilvia Bolla Title: Running Up That Hill Curator: Barnabás Zemlényi-Kovács Venue: Glassyard Gallery, Budapest Photos: Áron Lődi The art of Szilvia Bolla, which has started with abstract anti-photographs reacting against the depressive overconsumption of pictures, now arrived at a post-photographic praxis that tackles the subject of depression itself. As depression is both individual and …

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Albanian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale: An Interview with Curator Antonio Grulli

Describe your studio/work practice. My life/studio/work practice is a bit schizofrenic. I travel a lot, for studio visits, meetings, visit to exhibitions; those are days of social work and projects managing usually, which means a lot of phones and messages that became one of my bigger work tool unfortunately. I always try to save at …

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Macedonian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale: An Interview with Curator Ana Frangovska

Pavilion of North Macedonia Describe your studio/work practice. My curatorial practice is based on a direct communication with the artists, almost always from the very essence of formulation of the idea, through discussions, sharing context understanding, explaining different aspects and multilayered approaches on a particular topic, constant following of the production process, or collective selection …

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Artist: Helena TahirTitle: The Last SectorVenue: RAVNIKAR GALLERYCurator: Ilija ProkopievPhotos: Mario Zupanov The exhibition “The Last Sector” by Helena Tahir poses a profound and critical question that resonates within the vast realm of art: How does an artist’s deeply personal experience, seamlessly incorporated into their artwork, transcend the boundaries of subjectivity to reach a state …

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Hanele Zane Putniņa at 427

Artist: Hanele Zane Putniņa Title: Linolejija Venue: 427, Riga Photos: Līga Spunde Originally formed from seismic chisel movements and colour eruptions. Eventually, it became inhabited by linoshavings, which evolved from chisel-cut beings. It is a place where the chisel doesn’t know how to stop, like the atmosphere enveloping the surface of a linoshavingsland, at times …

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Group show at Berlinskej model

Artists: Natalia Domínguez Rangel, Filip Rybkowski, Stanislav Zábrodský Exhibition title: time-dip Curators: Agáta Hošnová, Karolína Voleská Venue: Berlinskej model, Prague Photos: Michal Ureš   a drop of pigment blackens a still surface, a groove cuts through smooth, moving waves shape the texture of the sand into titillating dunes, dust settles on majestic marble in pastel …

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Romanian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale: An Interview with Curator Ciprian Mureşan

Describe your studio/work practice. I don’t have a regular schedule although I try to go to the studio every day. Of course, before deadlines I get to work unfortunately almost around the clock. I share the studio with Șerban Savu who has a fixed schedule, working daily from 10 am to 7 pm. We are …

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Emir Šehanović at TROTOAR

Artist: Emir ŠehanovićTitle: THERE WILL BE BLISSVenue: TROTOAR, ZagrebText: Ivan Šuković „Why aren’t revolutions started by the most humane people? Because humane people don’t start revolutions, they start libraries… and cemeteries”.Jean-Luc Godard, Notre Musique There is a world of tangible objects. But there is also another reality, one that exists within us. It is shaped …

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Bence Magyarlaki at PARIS·B

Artist: Bence Magyarlaki Title: AT SATURN’S CUSP Venue: Paris-B, Paris Text: Salomé Burstein Photos: Theo Baulig …To be utopia, it is enough that I be a body  (Michel Foucault, 1966) The body and architecture are central to Bence Magyarlaki’s practice. Their works encapsulate the tensions within movement, questioning the patriarchal values reflected in our societal …

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While We Rise from the Ground pastel and acrylic on fabric, wood 500 x 230 cm 2022 Photo: Zuzana Jakabová

Czech and Slovak Pavilion at the Venice Biennale: An Interview with Curator Lýdia Pribišová

Describe your studio/work practice From 2020 till March 2024 I had been working as a curator at Kunsthalle Bratislava, where I have been developing the A Plant programme for the last two years. In my actual curatorial praxis I am mostly focused on environmental issues. The aim of the program was to highlight the importance …

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Aleksandra Liput, Maciej Nowacki at Łęctwo gallery

Artists: Aleksandra Liput, Maciej Nowacki Title: You have to be in hell to see heaven Curator: Eleonora Bojanowska Venue: Łęctwo gallery Photos: Szymon Sokołowski “One thing that comes out in myths is that at the bottom of the abyss comes the voice of salvation. The black moment is the moment when the real message of …

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