Group show at Kunstverein Eisenstadt

Artists: Thean Chie Chan, Iris Dittler, Sophie Dvořák, Mark Fridvalszki, Erich Gruber, Julia Haugeneder, Magdalena Kreinecker, Franza Maier, Evelyn Plaschg, Mathias Pöschl, Christian Schwarzwald, Šimon Sýkora, Marie Vermont, Letizia WerthCurator: Barbara HorvathSzenography: Johannes LakingerTitle: The crowded world of GHOSTS in dialogue with the lost here and nowVenue: Kunstverein EisenstadtPhotos: Alfredo Barsuglia, Christian Schwarzwald The ghostly …

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Øleg&Kaśka at Studio PRÁM

Artist: Øleg&KaśkaTitle: Frightened by The Red MoonCurator: Šárka KoudelováVenue: Studio PRÁM, PraguePhotographer: Anna Pleslová Until the 17th century, art and science were one, identically understood discipline, combining mastered ‘skill’ to understand and to create. If we adopt this stance, we will see in renaissance and baroque cabinets of curiosities not only exoticizng collections of artisanally …

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Ádám Ulbert at Longtermhandstand

Artist: Ádám Ulbert Title: The unnamed signaled: „There are things out there in the field of the recognizable” Venue: Longtermhandstand, Budapest Curator: Péter Bencze Photos: Áron Wéber The unnamed first appeared in the year 2025. Their first descent or apparitionhappened not much after the solar storms started to reach the planet. By that timescience has …

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FaceOrFactory at Aksioma Project Space

Artists: FaceOrFactory (Aljaz Rudolf and Eva Smrekar) Title: The Face of Corporate Building Venue: Aksioma | Project Space, Ljubljana Photos: Miha Fras The Face of Corporate Building is a research project that explores various strategies of formulating narratives and specific rhetorical patterns that are crucial in creating artistic NFT platforms. The process of documenting and …

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Anna Ceipe at Hoib gallery, Tallinn

Artist: Anna Ceipe Venue: Hoib Gallery, Tallinn Text: Vaida Stepanovaite It was a day, or maybe a night, but definitely one like no other. The sea was restless, screechingly slashing its waves into concrete blocks piled up ashore, one huge stride following an even larger stride. Was this the moment when a weary walrus came …

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Saša Tkačenko at Galeria e Bregdetit

Artist: Saša Tkačenko Title: This mess we’re inVenue: Galeria e Bregdetit, VlorëCurator: Natalija Paunić Mapping the dystopian contradictions of our times: this is how Saša described the intentions behind this exhibition to me. The works reconstruct his personal photo archives and are further combined with utilitarian objects of no particular aesthetic consequence, he adds. The personal …

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